
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At the end of our fabulous weekend, I took a few moments to reflect. Knowing that I was working all five nights this week, I expected to be 1) sad that the weekend was over and 2) already tired/mad that I was working nights allllllllll week.

But I was neither.

The weekend was fabulous and, in my head, I had a list of all the wonders and blessings that came with it. And I knew that even though I would work throughout the night and sleep more than normal and maybe be somewhat of a hermit, blessings will abound this week.

And I am going to find them (and tell you about them).

This is why I will continue to make my list, hoping to make thankfulness and gratitude part of my routine and heart.

422. Working together to clean the house
423. Going to a composting demonstration and finding information on rain barrels, two things my husband has been talking about for awhile.
424. Playing Pandemic and winning in the last hand.
425. White and yellow tulips sitting on our kitchen table
426. Bracelets
427. and cool earrings, the dangly kind.
428. Playing a new game on the floor in front of the fire with Chris and Loki (it was a three person game)
429. My sister-in-law being excited about our double date
430. The first buds of my nasturtiums coming up. This made me seriously happy -- all three buds
431. A rainy afternoon, reading.
432. Making soup on that rainy day with ingredients that we had in our kitchen (asparagus and potato soup anyone?)
433. Entire meals cooked on the grill. Two days in a row.
434. Having a Sunday evening movie double header. (aka preparing for night shifts)
435. Warm apple cider on a cool morning.
436. Leisurely breakfasts with my love.
437. And the luxury of having those breakfasts frequently
438. Learning a new way to do multiplication and practicing it at work.
439. Putting leaves in the table and filling it with friends
440. Feeling good (and tired) after working out
441. Stretching
442. A Sunday evening to relax and regroup, read my Bible and be encouraged.
443. Amazing grace
444. Accapella hymns
445. Living with less stuff
446. Saying no
447. Trusting in His provision

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our week in pictures as my gratitude list continues.

396. Tulips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
397. Spending an afternoon with Loki: pulling weeds in the yard and going for a long walk/hike
398. Mac and cheese and good wine (from our honeymoon) after a long shift
399. Back rubs
400. Clear blue sky
401. Hugs from patients' wifes: one a short lady with a bright purple skirt with lime green slippers, the other, an elderly little lady who spent my entire shift holding her husband's hand just like they do every night
402. Putting air in the tires of my bike and going for a ride
403. Coming home to my husband
404. knowing that I can change my attitude and doing so.
405. Bluebells

406. a perfect sandwich, on Pill Hill, with my husband, during my lunch hour
407. Teamwork
408. Patient's families who are appropriate and coping well
409. French toast

410. Exercising Loki really, really well as we start running for a 5K
411. Phone calls with friends
412. Completing projects, cute little baby things ... for my cousin's new baby boy. (should have taken some pictures of these ...)
413. Good conversations with my husband and being excited about our upcoming move afterwards, possibly for the first time.
414.  Bleeding hearts (the flower ...not really bleeding hearts, those are bad )

415.  A day with my mom, planting flowers and running errands
416. The great assortment of bread we have in our pantry.  I love bread
417. Frequent conversations with my husband where I tell him that I like something (french toast, grilled cheese, mangos) and he says that he knows that and that is why he made/bought it. =)
418. watching our grass grow
419. Pulling weeds. Chris' dad has this thing called a weed hog (I think) and it is fun. I get great satisfaction from pulling out the weeds while standing up and I enjoy watching the pile of weeds grow much faster than when I do it on my knees.
 420. Being able to borrow gardening tools from Chris' dad.  =)
421. Finding toys in strange places.

Life is good.

In other news, we have a low key weekend coming up, an open house this afternoon and  a date night planned for the evening (we got engaged a year ago today). 
Also, (because I know some of you are interested), I have one interview in Milwaukee in two weeks and am in the process of getting another as well. I don't think it is a coincidence that the two jobs I got called for the day after I submitted my applications were the two on the top of my list and I am encouraged about that. 
I'll keep you posted! 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

367. cute spring dresses
368. wearing a cute spring dress to a friend's wedding
369. wearing a cute spring dress to a friend's wedding reception where we had brunch and drank good coffee
370. wearing a cute spring dress to a friend's wedding reception where we had brunch and drank good coffee and then explored the house and grounds of the historic Plummer House.

okay, that was fun, don't you think?

371. Sunday afternoon naps
372. the smell of fresh air on my hair/clothes/hands after working outside in the yard
373. working beside my husband
374. putting our house on the market tomorrow
375. work gloves
376. cooking with my husband, for our friends
377. grilling out
378. my thoughtful mother in law who makes me brownies with mint frosting
379. Sleeping for 12 hours on Saturday night (i'm counting the two hour nap I took at my in-laws prior to actually going to bed)
380. the spring time breeze coming in open windows
381. Learning that the animal living in our shed is a squirrel, which is much less scary than other options I came up with in my head. (the acorns on the chairs, table and in the window ledge were good clues.) His name is now Acorn
382. Watching Loki (our dog) chase the bunny through our backyard
383. pajamas
384. flavored coffee.
385. and creamer. lots of creamer
386. learning to hold the things of this world in an open hand (more on that later, probably)
387. quality time with my love
388. the blanket my grandma made me long ago that I still use on cooler nights
389. a fridge full of leftovers
390. and being able to share those leftovers with friends
391. news that my cousin had a healthy baby boy today
392. finally finishing a good book
393. saying good bye to a friend as he goes to live and work with Mercy Ships in Togo for most of the summer.
394. a smooth transition to night shifts
395. anticipating a less hectic week

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My week has been full.

Full of working and watching my patient slowly stabalize and then improve over several days while building a relationship with her family.

Full of random house projects on the to-do list being completed by many people lovingly giving of their time.

Full of little moments with my love - breakfast before an early shift, a note tucked inside the lunch he made me, little kisses while changing a light bulb or making burgers for the grill.

Full of peace as our future seems exciting instead of daunting.

Full of doggy snuggles (okay, only at night when he is sleepy enough to allow himself to be manhandled) and prances in the morning as soon as my alarm goes off.


And now, the weekend approaches and I want to soak it all in ... love my husband ... celebrate (a marriage and a birthday) with my friends ... dig in the dirt ... walk the dog ... finish some more projects ... stage our house so others may see it as their home ... say goodbye to several co-workers as they move on ... laugh ... enjoy ... relax ... love ...

and repeat

Monday, April 5, 2010

335. Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti! Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
336. Hiking with a friend and our dog on a beautiful (and unseasonably warm) afternoon
337. painting with friends while listening to Michael Buble, Cademon's Call and Jen Bluhm (check her out, me likey)
338. the new paint in the living room
339. a doggy laying in the sunshine
340. enjoying the beauty of the Mississippi with my parents and husband
341. talking with my brother about what is going on with his life
342. the birds singing outside
343. chocolate =)
344. conversations while driving, holding my husbands hand and sharing my heart
345. making systems for things in our life
346. getting out my old shoes to play/work in the yard
347. coming in from working in the yard to a meal waiting for me (have I told you? My husband is a good cook)
348. finding railroad ties behind our shed to hopefully replace the broken ones in our front yard
349. finishing projects and checking things off our master to-do list
350. talking with both my grandmas on the same day
351. the beginning of the month = the beginning of our montly budget
352. listening to my husband talk about what is on his mind and heart
353. a fun journal to write in
354. rejoicing with friends over good news and events in their lives
355. a wonderful weekend celebrating Easter with family and friends
356. my handsome husband in a suit =)
357. being okay with a messy house
358. clean, fresh towels
359. toast with peanut butter
360. spending time on a cool morning on the couch with a blanket, apple cider, our dog and my Bible.
361. giving away a few hours at work, making the week seem less busy
362. turning off the heat
363. green grass
364. Looking forward to Monday because I have a great list of things I am thankful for
365. answers to prayer
366. transparency