
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Life Rules According to My Toddler

Life Rules According to My Toddler

  • Don’t feel compelled to choose favorite foods. Eat tons of one thing one day and then none of it the next.
  • Decide on a certain activity (“outside”) and then demand it every day after breakfast.
  • If an item is in a bag or in a drawer, take it out and put it somewhere else. Repeatedly.
  • Do anything for fruit snacks.
  • If you find a tiny loose item, clearly it belongs in a hole of some sort – try the keyhole on the door first, then the dog’s kong.
  • Multiple pieces of the same toy should never all be in the same room. Ever.
  • When deciding on which book to read before bed, refuse every one except the last one. Any other time you should ask to read every book a minimum of five times.
  • When someone gives you horsie rides, they should always wear bunny ears.
  • Peak - a - boo is the solution to every conflict. And fruit snacks
  •  Taking a walk is code for time to examine every thing on the side walk ... and in the grass ... and any nearby area.