
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blog-tober Day 18: A tale of traveling

Well, I didn't do great on this challenge but I did blog more so perhaps I can call that a small success. Perhaps it wasn't the best time to do something like this -- more on that later. ;)

Ahhh ... traveling. I traveled quite a bit back when I was single and (ahem) had more money/time and less of a commitment holding me close to home.  That said, I am taking Zoe to Florida next week so I can't complain TOOO much although I wouldn't give up my current "commitments" for all the travel I used to have.

I began looking for pictures and instead found some old blog posts.

Our honeymoon from 2010

A girls trip to Mexico in 2011

And, although I have no pictures on my laptop (and am too lazy to go upstairs and get them off our desktop), sometime in the years before I got married, I traveled with a group of girls that I met in Ghana (West Africa) while working with Mercy Ships. We went to New York, Charleston and Seattle and I LOVED all of those trips.  Charleston was my favorite as I enjoyed the history and Southern charm.

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