
Friday, May 10, 2013

There is grace enough for every day

{I probably should have posted this several weeks ago when I wrote it but I didn't ...}

There is grace enough for every day

When flags across the country fly at half mass and first responders make the ultimate sacrifice,
there is grace enough for those days

When three abused children die in a house fire in Milwaukee (an small news story which tugged at my heart) and the earth moves in China,
there is grace enough for those days

 When my husband yields his desires to my own and when we exchange hurtful words and ask for forgiveness,
there is grace enough for those days

Sometimes knowing grace is easy - in the embrace of good friends, in a warm dog sleeping on my lap or in the tulips that unexpectedly break through the soil. 

And sometimes knowing grace is hard - when people grieve, when children die.

But the grace given is never-ending. It is as simple as it is complex. As overt as it is hidden. 
Our job is to not discount that grace; to only see it when it comes easy. 
Acknowledging grace is a form of worship, giving thanks for what comes.

There is grace enough for every day ... sometimes you just have to look for it. 


Nonna said...

Thought-provoking and beautifully written, Rachel

Unknown said...

So true! Thanks for sharing Rachel!