
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer in Whitnall Park

We live right next to Whitnall Park, a beautiful, huge park complete with a nature preserve, lots of deer, a golf course, botanical gardens, bike trails and even a little red barn. Today I walked Loki over there often and took my camera to capture the beauty that is - literally - in our backyard.

The waterfall from this post is just a wall of rocks with tiny bit of water trickling through (and it was totally un-photogenic). The brush is tall and the trees are green, ready to lose their leaves. The parking lot was packed with a dozen mini vans, the families wanting one last outing before school starts. And the day is cool enough to wear pants - all signs that fall is near.

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Those pictures are beautiful. Here in houston it is the hottest that it has been all year, that's how we know that fall is on the way.