810. We have begun to develop some kind of routine
811. Our apartment has begun to look like our home
You remember when you move and you walk in the door of your new place and instead of just seeing all of the boxes you see your home? That is certainly an "awesome" moment. And it happened for me last week. Along those lines, my sister-in-law (and her family) just moved to a new home in Beijing, and she wrote the other day that her goal is to have everything in place (pictures on the wall and all boxes unpacked) by Sept. 1st. I am joining her and adopting that goal.812. We had our first visitor this weekend (more on that later, it deserves a post all of it's own)
813. Our family and friends. It was hard to leave Rochester but we left with lasting relationships, knowing that we are loved.
814. My in-laws and our friend Mark who drove with us over to Franklin on a very hot day and helped us move all our belongings from the truck into our apartment.
815. Encouragement.
It seems like each time I open my e-mail or facebook or the mail box, there is a note of encouragement from someone who is thinking of us. From dear, close friends to seemingly random friends of our parents, I have felt loved and encouraged. Thanks you!816.the Psalms
817. management at the apartment who quickly fixed our laundry list of problems
I must admit, I was annoyed when we moved in and several things seemed wrong. Our sink leaked, several outlets didn't work, the carpet in the office smelled like cat, there wasn't a lock on the bathroom door. So we made our list and Chris went over to the office and talked with them. The very next day, four maintenance men showed up and fixed everything, with exception to the carpet which they replaced on Friday. Not bad, not bad at all. I'm also enjoying the fact that I don't own the washer that leaks profusely in the basement. I may like renting after all ...818. talking on the phone with my mother-in-law. never really did that when we lived 2 minutes from them and it is fun.
819. Oh and they (my in-laws) are planning to come and visit us next week.
Chris is going home/to Rochester this coming weekend and I was/still am a little disappointed that I can't go 'cuz I am working but wanted to see them before they left on their big trip. So, his parents are going to come over here. And that makes me feel loved and happy.820. Discovering what is around us -- restaurants, shops, neighborhoods, biking trails.
821. My parents visit
822. Being 20-30 minutes away for my grandma.
823. Going to her house for dinner. comfortable and familiar
824. time ... to read, knit and reflect
825. Netflix (this has nothing to do with the previous one)
826. News that Kristi (my good friend and old college roommate) is out of the hospital and her little gummy bear (baby just in case you were wondering) is doing well.
827. And the card she sent me today with this quote in it:
"embrace the wonder and excitement each day brings. For tomorrow affords us new opportunities ... time to experience ... time to create ... time to reflect ... time to dream."
828. Making goals for the next few years
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