For fun - or maybe because this is a form of nesting - here's what we've been up to prepping for Baby #2, aka Baby Brother's arrival. IN. LESS. THAN. FIVE. WEEKS.
- Transform the office into a second nursery. The upstairs of our bungalow has two virtually identical rooms; Christopher was using one for an office and he worked hard moving his stuff out. There still is some work to do - mainly sorting and boxing up some leftover stuff - but we are pleased. We will add a rocker to the corner (a gift from my parents) and some room darkening fabric to the curtains.
- Transition Zoe to one afternoon nap. I wanted her on a solid schedule before the baby arrived and she had been toying with dropping one of her naps for a while. We just decided one day to keep her up til after lunch and she did well with the cold turkey approach. We've been enjoying having our mornings free and she has been taking great, long afternoon naps.

- Make freezer meals. A few weeks ago, my mom came to visit and I worked on making meals for the freezer. I made about 16 meals and am really happy with that since most should feed us for two meals. In the next month, we'll make some double batches of breakfast-y type foods (oatmeal, pancakes, etc) and freeze those since I think that will really help once Christopher is working during the day. I'm also planning on prepping/cooking a double batch of something every week this month to give us a little more variety.
- Let Amazon "shop" for us. Since we have Amazon prime, we've added some household things to our subscribe and save list. We've also had a Honest Company account for awhile and have been pleased with that. Hopefully that will help keep us out of Target with two littles for a while.
- Pack a bag for the hospital. Although it seems obvious, I have put it on my list since I have had labor flashbacks just thinking about what needs to go in it and I don't want to totally put it off. I also need to FIND our workbook from our birthing class so we can review some things that we didn't get to use during Zoe's labor and birth. And update our birth plan ... pretty much just change the date.
- Unfortunately, both Zoe and Loki can't really understand what is going to happen but we are talking about Baby Brother and have a few things planned to help Zoe with the transition - a baby doll and a new busy board. Hopefully it will warm up enough to allow us to take Loki for lots of walks to help get him into a happy place.
There are a few things left on our list but we are happy where we stand and know that we will have lots of grandparent help/love when he arrives. We are looking forward to Spring, Easter (talk about bad timing ... being 8+ months pregnant during lent!) and our new baby.