Dear Tipi CSA, we get our first box next month and I could not be more excited. Here's to a summer of figuring out how to eat all the veggies that you send us!
Dear hummus, today I made you successfully for the very first time, thanks to our ninja warrior blender. =) yay!
Dear Loki, although you somehow manage to rip apart toys that claim to be "indestructible" and then proceed to throw up the stuffing, I don't think I have every loved you more. (note: that has nothing to do with the barfing.) I love your obsession with peanut butter jars and the way you jump onto my lap whenever I sit on your favorite chair.
Dear 894-94 interchange tunnel, I am so happy that you are now open as it makes Christopher's commute to school so much quicker! Even though we already decided to move closer to Marquette this summer, I am glad that we can enjoy the fast drive for a couple of months.
Dear The Firm, two episodes in and I am hooked! Thanks for having all your episodes available on-line and for simply being awesome.
Dear Selah, thanks for the oldies but goodies that have been playing on my laptop today. So encouraging.
Dear red quinoa dish (with shrimp, asparagus, red peppers and toasted cumin vinaigrette), #1) you need a new name. #2) I wish I could make you without using every pan I own. #3) I am so glad that I tried combining a few recipes from this site!
Dear Spring, thanks for your sunny days and cool evenings and for being a present reminder of the new life that we have because of Easter.
Dear Whitnall Park, regardless of the time of year, you always bring your A-game.
Dear next week, we aren't really sure what to expect while we entertain our nephew and niece for the week but we've been looking forward to it for a long time. We are excited to act like kids and enjoy Discovery World, some TBD kid movie and maybe some arcade action. Hopefully they wont have to remind us that we are the adults!
Dear Christopher John, there is no one that I would rather have by my side, especially during these last few weeks. As the semester comes to a close, I know that you will work hard while still being a good husband, dog owner, friend and uncle (skills you don't often get to use). I love you more than ice cream every day of the week and more than all of the things above.
{once again, letters inspired by Today's Letters}